Regulation Model of Electronic Persons (poster presentation), International Conference Robophilosophy 2018 / TRANSOR 2018, University of Vienna (International
Conference, 14-17.02.2018) (Paulius Astromskis)
Laying Ground for Responsible Standardisation for Robotic Law, 17th Annual STS Conference on Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, Graz
University of Technology (International Conference, 7-8.05.2018) (Vladislav Fomin)
The Role of Criminal Law in the Age of Technologies: Problems and Perspectives, International Conference “Criminological Research and its Implementations in
Conditions of Transformational Processes: National and International Perspectives”, Polotsk State University (International Conference, 12-13.10.2018) (Edita Gruodytė, Olegas
Technological challenges to Academic Freedom, International Conference G-STIC (Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Conference), Brussels (International
Conference, 28-30.11.2018) (Aušrinė Pasvenskienė)
Moral Rights for Intelligent Robots?, Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto (workshop 13.04.2018) (John-Stewart Gordon)
Introducing Artificial Intelligence – Ethical and Legal Considerations, Tallinn Law School (10.05.2019) (John-Stewart Gordon)
AI and Legal Personhood, Tallinn Law School (14.05.2019) (John-Stewart Gordon)
Moral and Legal Rights for Robots?, Tallinn Law School (16.05.2019) (John-Stewart Gordon)
AI and Ethics: Artificial Moral and Legal Personhood, Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University (15.11.2018), key note lecture (John-Stewart
Artificial Consciousness and Moral Status, International Workshop on Ethics and Digitalisation, Department of Philosophy, Maynooth University (12.11.2019) (Kęstutis
Digitisation and Ethics – The Problem of Social Media (Facebook as a Democracy-Undermining Threat), International Workshop on Ethics and Digitalisation, Department of
Philosophy, Maynooth University (12.11.2019) (John-Stewart Gordon)
Automation of Law: Threat or Opportunity for the Courts of Lithuania?, International Scientific-Practical Conference on Judicial Professionalism and Ethics in the Age
of Technologies and Globalization, Vytautas Magnus University (International Conference, 24.05.2018) (Paulius Astromskis)
Challenges of Judgecraft in the Era of Fourth Industrial Revolution, International Scientific-Practical Conference on Judicial Professionalism and Ethics in the Age
of Technologies and Globalization, Vytautas Magnus University (International Conference, 24.05.2018) (Julija Kiršienė, Edita Gruodytė)
Justifying Research on Moral Rights for Intelligent Robots, International Workshop on Inclusion and Artificial Intelligence, Research Cluster for Applied Ethics,
Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (22.06.2018) (Kęstutis Mosakas)
AI and Ethics – An Overview, Public Discussion I., EU-funded project on Future Law, Ethics, and Smart Technologies (2017-2021), Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas
(21.09.2018) (John-Stewart Gordon)
AI in the Context of Regulation Smart Electronic Devices, Public Discussion I., EU-funded project on Future Law, Ethics, and Smart Technologies (2017-2021), Vytautas
Magnus University, Kaunas (21.09.2018) (Vladislav Fomin)
AI Present and Future – Smart Tools or Some Kind of Intelligence?, Public Discussion I., EU-funded project on Future Law, Ethics, and Smart Technologies (2017-2021),
Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (21.09.2018) (Darius Amilevičius)
Insights on the Regulation Issues, Public Discussion I., EU-funded project on Future Law, Ethics, and Smart Technologies (2017-2021), Vytautas Magnus University,
Kaunas (21.09.2018) (Paulius Astromskis)
AI Technologies: Algorithms and Data Threats for Ethics and Law, Workshop on Cybersecurity, Ministry of Education and Margarita Starkevičiūtė, Vilnius (25.10.2018)
(Darius Amilevičius)
Ethical Challenges of AI: Machine Bias, Self-Driving Vehicles, Programming Ethics into a Machine, Public Discussion II., EU-funded project on Future Law, Ethics, and
Smart Technologies (2017-2021), Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (26.10.2018) (Kęstutis Mosakas)
Moral and Legal Rights for Intelligent Robots, Public Discussion II., EU-funded project on Future Law, Ethics, and Smart Technologies (2017-2021), Vytautas Magnus
University, Kaunas (26.10.2018) (John-Stewart Gordon)
Reducing Gender Bias in Data for Lithuania, International Conference on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, Lithuanian Computer Society, Vilnius University
Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Druskininkai (29.11.2018 – 01.12.2018) (Darius Amilevičius, Vladislav Fomin)
Dirbtinis Intelektas su Įdiegta Etika: Europinis Patikimas Dirbtinis Intelektas, International Conference on Future of Tech, Faculty of Law, Vilnius University
(25.03.2019) (Darius Amilevičius)
Dirbtinis Intelektas Baudžiamosios Atsakomybės Kontekste: Poreikis Transformuoti Baudžiamosios Atsakomybės Paradigmą, Local Conference on Criminal Justice Challenges
in the Changing Society, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius (16.05.2019) (Edita Gruodytė, Paulius Čerka)
Electronic Personality: Certain Technical and Legal Issues, International Conference on Human Rights Issues in the Age of Globalization and Rapid Technological
Innovations, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (International Conference, 12.06.2019) (Edita Gruodytė, Darius Amilevičius)
Ensuring Right to Autonomy for Mentally Ill Patients in the Age of Globalization, International Conference on Human Rights Issues in the Age of Globalization and
Rapid Technological Innovations, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (International Conference, 12.06.2019) (Milda Žaliauskaitė)
Future Lawyers Academy: Whether New Human Rights Challenges Requires New Generation of Lawyers?, International Conference on Human Rights Issues in the Age of
Globalization and Rapid Technological Innovations, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (International Conference, 12.06.2019) (Paulius Astromskis)
Machine Moral Standing: Relational and Properties-Based Approaches, International Conference on Human Rights Issues in the Age of Globalization and Rapid
Technological Innovations, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (International Conference, 12.06.2019) (Kęstutis Mosakas)
New Threats to Privacy by Biased Machines, International Conference on Human Rights Issues in the Age of Globalization and Rapid Technological Innovations, Vytautas
Magnus University, Kaunas (International Conference, 12.06.2019) (Julija Kiršienė, Vygantas Malinauskas)
The Use of Technological Innovation in Education: How it Affects the Right to Education?, International Conference on Human Rights Issues in the Age of Globalization
and Rapid Technological Innovations, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (International Conference, 12.06.2019) (Aušrinė Pasvenskienė)
Human Rights Education in the Digital Era, International conference on European Education on Values and Humanity, European Humanities University, Vilnius
(International Conference, 21.09.2019) (Aušrinė Pasvenskienė)
Legal relations at school in the age of smart technologies, Forum “Teacher 360°”, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (03.10.2019) (Aušrinė Pasvenskienė)
Artificial Intelligence and Human in Labour Market: Toward the Creative Class and the Leisure Culture?, International Conference on “New Media” and Challenging
(Artificial) Intelligence, Identity and Culture, National Gallery of Art, Vilnius (International Conference, 06.12.2019) (Darius Amilevičius)
The Future of Legal Education (poster presentation), International Conference “Towards Personalized Guidance and Support for Learning”, Open University of Catalonia
(International Conference, 23-27.10.2018) (Aušrinė Pasvenskienė, Paulius Astromskis)
Review of Law & Technology curriculum in top universities (keynote presentation), International conference “Future of Legal Education”, Pompeu Fabra
University (International Conference, 13.11.2019) (Aušrinė Pasvenskienė, Paulius Astromskis)
AI Technology and Privacy Issues from the Perspective of Tortious Liability, International Conference on Smart Technologies and Fundamental Rights, University of
Stockholm (International Conference, 15-16.06.2018 (Julija Kiršienė)
Justifying Research on Moral Rights for Intelligent Robots, International Conference on Smart Technologies and Fundamental Rights, University of Stockholm
(International Conference, 15-16.06.2018) (Kęstutis Mosakas)
Applying Human Rights to Robots?, SIENNA Ethical Analysis Workshop – Applying Human Rights to Robots?, Uppsala University
(13-14.06.2019), invited expert (John-Stewart Gordon)
Child Robots as Sex Toys – Ethical Decisions at the Edge of Morality, International Conference on Feminism & Technology, University of Cardiff (International
Conference, 3-4.12.2018) (John-Stewart Gordon)